14.07.23 Daily [Uttar Pradesh] UPPSC Current Affairs

Uttar Pradesh Affairs

7 div HQs to promote eco growth of neighbouring dists

Seven large cities ofUttar Pradeshwill act as the Growth engine of smaller ones.

The has asked the urban planning department to shape up the seven divisional headquarters (Varanasi, Meerut, Bareilly,Jhansi, Lucknow,Gorakhpurand Agra) in a manner that they can push industrial and commercial activities of their neighbouring districts. To be termed as city-regions (divisional headquarters along with neighbouring districts), the agenda to urbanise the neighbouring districts was pushed by the state government to promote balanced growth and achieve USD one trillion economy by 2027. The objective is to promote investments, anchor regional economic activity and set up smart clusters having all amenities for Industry owners and local community.

In Varanasi where close to 44,000 MSMEs are registered, besides tourism, agricultural export, handlooms, handicraft, transportation and local trade provides maximum EMPLOYMENT.

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