DMPQ: What do you understand by the term soil erosion and soil degradation? what are the causes of soil erosion? List down the solution to curb soil erosion.

Soil erosion : It is the process by which top layer of soil gets removed thus affecting the productivity by altering the structure of the soil. It is a natural process but human intervention has accentuated the rate of depletion of soil wealth. Soil Degradation:  It is a process through which qualitative degradation of soil … Read more DMPQ: What do you understand by the term soil erosion and soil degradation? what are the causes of soil erosion? List down the solution to curb soil erosion.

Discuss the challenges of Indian Agriculture and present an outlook

Indian economy still is agro based economy and Indian society still remains agrarian society. Contribution of agriculture in GDP has declined but its importance and significance has not declined. But some fundamental challenges are faced by Indian agriculture. Indian agriculture still remains the gamble of Indian Monsoon. Only 48% of the land has assured irrigation. … Read more Discuss the challenges of Indian Agriculture and present an outlook

Enumerate the difference between Himalayan and Peninsular drainage system?

  S.No. Himalayan drainage Peninsular drainage 1. Perennial in nature. Seasonal in nature 2. Both snow fed and monsoon n fed Monsoon fed 3. Voluminous Less voluminous 4. Very large command area Less Command area 5. Himalayan river exhibits antecedent character Consequent character is exhibited 6. All Himalayan rivers form delta at the mouth Form … Read more Enumerate the difference between Himalayan and Peninsular drainage system?

DMPQ: The Himalayas has played the important role of a foster mother for the Indians. Discuss

The Himalayan has rendered unique climatic identity to Indian subcontinent. The role played by it is nothing less than a foster mother. It save India from the cold north east trade winds and provide tropical type of climate in the subtropical region. It is not a exaggeration to say that Indian economy is gamble of … Read more DMPQ: The Himalayas has played the important role of a foster mother for the Indians. Discuss