DMPQ:Attaining impeccable integrity is a daunting task but there is negative perception in Public regarding survival of impeccable integrity. According to you what are the reasons for such Perceptions?

Integrity is the full convergence of actions and thoughts. When these two components meet impeccable integrity is achieved. It is one of the foundational values which are expected of civil servant. But there is public perception that integrity cannot be achieved. The reasons are as follows: There is a general perception that people with impeccable … Read more DMPQ:Attaining impeccable integrity is a daunting task but there is negative perception in Public regarding survival of impeccable integrity. According to you what are the reasons for such Perceptions?

DMPQ- Concept of Total Revolution of Indian Society.

The germs of the concept of Total Revolution lie deeply embedded in Gandhi’s teachings to which Jayaprakash Narayan, the leader of Total Revolution turned as a result of his disillusionment with what might be called “conventional wisdom of revolution and conventional technique” of change. Total Revolution is a further extension of Gandhi’s thought on socio-economic … Read more DMPQ- Concept of Total Revolution of Indian Society.

DMPQ:What is integrity? Name different types of integrity.

Word Integrity comes from the Latin word Integer meaning whole or complete. Itmeans soundness of moral principles. Person must be consistent across time andsituations.Persons’ inner sense of wholeness deriving from honesty and consistent uprightnessof character.A person with integrity does right things for right reasons. Integrity involves basingone’s actions on internally consistent framework or principles. People … Read more DMPQ:What is integrity? Name different types of integrity.

DMPQ:What is Emotional Intelligence? List down itsapplication.

It is the ability to understand and regulate our emotions and that of others tohandle interpersonal relationships effectivelyIntelligence alone means the ability to acquire and apply knowledgeEI is inclusive of self awareness, self regulation, empathy, social skills and Motivation.  The major application are: Improve the performance of individual worker Improve in overall organisational performance Increase … Read more DMPQ:What is Emotional Intelligence? List down itsapplication.

DMPQ:Operation Insaniyat

In response to the humanitarian crisis being faced on account of the large influx of refugees into Bangladesh, Government of India has decided to extend assistance to Bangladesh. The relief material consists of items required urgently by the affected people, namely rice, pulses, sugar, salt, cooking oil, tea, ready to eat noodles, biscuits, mosquito nets … Read more DMPQ:Operation Insaniyat

DMPQ:What is Paid news? What are the concerns associated with Paid news?

Paid news or paid content are those articles in newspapers, magazines and the electronic media which indicate favourable conditions for the institutions that has paid for it. The news is like an advertisement but without ad tag. Issues with paid news: Serious malpractice as it deceive citizens. Payment mode violate tax laws and election spending … Read more DMPQ:What is Paid news? What are the concerns associated with Paid news?

DMPQ:RashtriyaArogaya Nidhi

The Scheme provides for financial assistance to patients, living below poverty line and who is suffering from major life threatening diseases, to receive medical treatment at any of the super specialty Government hospitals / institutes. It is a financial assistance towards treatment in Government Hospital including super speciality government hospital/ institutes as per guidelines. Budgetary … Read more DMPQ:RashtriyaArogaya Nidhi