Examine Right to Equality as a Fundamental Right in the Constitution of India. (Answer in 200 words)

Points to Remember: Article 14 (Equality before law), Article 15 (Prohibition of discrimination), Article 16 (Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment), Article 17 (Abolition of untouchability), Article 18 (Abolition of titles). Introduction: The Right to Equality, enshrined in Part III of the Indian Constitution (Articles 14-18), is a cornerstone of Indian democracy. It … Read more Examine Right to Equality as a Fundamental Right in the Constitution of India. (Answer in 200 words)

Write a short note on the emergence and use of alternative dispute redressal mechanisms in India. (Answer in 200 words)

Points to Remember: Emergence of ADR in India; Types of ADR; Advantages and Disadvantages; Future of ADR. Introduction: India’s burgeoning litigation backlog necessitates alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms. These methods, outside formal courts, offer quicker, cheaper, and less adversarial solutions. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, formalized many existing practices and spurred ADR’s growth. Body: … Read more Write a short note on the emergence and use of alternative dispute redressal mechanisms in India. (Answer in 200 words)

Describe the composition and functions of Central Bureau of Investigation (C.B.l.) in India. (Answer in 200 words)

Points to Remember: CBI’s composition (Director, Special Directors, SPs, etc.), its functions (investigation, prosecution, prevention), limitations (dependence on government, lack of autonomy). Introduction: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is India’s premier investigating agency. Established in 1963, it operates under the Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946. Its mandate is to investigate corruption and serious … Read more Describe the composition and functions of Central Bureau of Investigation (C.B.l.) in India. (Answer in 200 words)

Discuss the reasons, objectives and functions of NITI Aayog and describe the recently re-organised NITI Aayog. (Answer in 200 words)

Points to Remember: NITI Aayog’s formation, objectives, functions, and recent restructuring. Introduction: NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India), established in 2015, replaced the Planning Commission. Its formation aimed to shift from a centrally-planned economy to a cooperative federalism model, fostering collaborative policy-making. Body: Reasons for Formation: The Planning Commission’s centralized approach was deemed inefficient … Read more Discuss the reasons, objectives and functions of NITI Aayog and describe the recently re-organised NITI Aayog. (Answer in 200 words)

What are the main issues related to poverty and hunger? (Answer in 200 words)

Points to Remember: Poverty and hunger are intertwined, stemming from multifaceted issues. Solutions require multi-pronged approaches. Introduction: Poverty and hunger are global challenges affecting billions. The World Bank defines extreme poverty as living on less than $1.90 a day. Hunger, according to the FAO, means insufficient food intake to meet dietary energy requirements. These are … Read more What are the main issues related to poverty and hunger? (Answer in 200 words)

Clarify E-governance. Explain the features and advantages of E-governance. What are the main challenges before it? (Answer in 200 words)

Points to Remember: E-governance definition, features, advantages, and challenges. Introduction: E-governance, or electronic governance, utilizes Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to improve government operations and citizen services. It aims to enhance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. The UN e-Government Survey consistently tracks global progress in this area, highlighting both successes and persistent hurdles. Body: Features of … Read more Clarify E-governance. Explain the features and advantages of E-governance. What are the main challenges before it? (Answer in 200 words)

In the monsoon session of the Indian Parliament in 2019, Amendments were made in the anti-terror law and the Right to Information Act. What are the significant changes as a result of these Amendments ? Analyse. (Answer in 200 words)

Points to Remember: Amendments to the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) and the Right to Information Act (RTI) in India’s 2019 monsoon session. Focus on significant changes and analysis. Introduction: The 2019 monsoon session of the Indian Parliament saw significant amendments to two crucial laws: the UAPA, aimed at combating terrorism, and the RTI Act, … Read more In the monsoon session of the Indian Parliament in 2019, Amendments were made in the anti-terror law and the Right to Information Act. What are the significant changes as a result of these Amendments ? Analyse. (Answer in 200 words)

Discuss the nature of India-China relations in the light of OBOR. (Answer in 200 words)

Points to Remember: India-China relations; OBOR (Belt and Road Initiative); geopolitical implications; economic cooperation; border disputes; strategic competition. Introduction: India-China relations are complex, characterized by a mix of cooperation and competition. The Belt and Road Initiative (OBOR), a massive Chinese infrastructure project, significantly impacts this dynamic. OBOR aims to connect Asia, Africa, and Europe through … Read more Discuss the nature of India-China relations in the light of OBOR. (Answer in 200 words)

The action of Indian Government on Article 370 has changed the Status-Quo in Jammu and Kashmir. How will it effect the development in the region ? Discuss. (Answer in 200 words)

Points to Remember: Impact of Article 370 revocation on J&K’s development; positive and negative consequences; economic, social, and political dimensions. Introduction: Article 370, granting special autonomous status to Jammu and Kashmir, was revoked by the Indian government in August 2019. This action fundamentally altered the region’s political landscape, raising questions about its impact on development. … Read more The action of Indian Government on Article 370 has changed the Status-Quo in Jammu and Kashmir. How will it effect the development in the region ? Discuss. (Answer in 200 words)

Examine the Constitutional Position of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. (Answer in 125 words)

Points to Remember: CAG’s independence, audit powers, accountability, and role in parliamentary democracy. Introduction: The Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) holds a unique constitutional position, enshrined in Article 148-151 of the Indian Constitution. This ensures its independence from the executive branch. Body: The CAG audits the accounts of the Union and State governments, … Read more Examine the Constitutional Position of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. (Answer in 125 words)