Social influence and persuasion contributed in controlling the spread of the Corona Virus in India. Discuss.

Points to Remember: The role of social influence and persuasion in controlling the spread of COVID-19 in India. Different strategies employed (public health campaigns, celebrity endorsements, community mobilization). Effectiveness and limitations of these strategies. Ethical considerations and potential biases. Lessons learned and recommendations for future pandemics. Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic presented an unprecedented challenge to … Read more Social influence and persuasion contributed in controlling the spread of the Corona Virus in India. Discuss.

You are a civil servant posted in State where elections were held recently. To ban the sale of alcohol was the main promise in the election manifesto of newly elected Chief Minister, To fulfil this promise, Chief Minister has ordered a total ban on sale and purchase of the alcohol in the State. Whether the government should interfere in the matter which is considered by many to be a matter of personal choice? Comment logically.

Points to Remember: The ethical considerations of government intervention in personal choices. The economic consequences of alcohol prohibition. The potential for black markets and increased crime. The public health implications of alcohol consumption and prohibition. The legal framework governing alcohol sales and consumption. Introduction: The recent election in the state saw the newly elected Chief … Read more You are a civil servant posted in State where elections were held recently. To ban the sale of alcohol was the main promise in the election manifesto of newly elected Chief Minister, To fulfil this promise, Chief Minister has ordered a total ban on sale and purchase of the alcohol in the State. Whether the government should interfere in the matter which is considered by many to be a matter of personal choice? Comment logically.

Anger is a harmful negative emotion, it is injurious to both the personal life and the work life. How can it be controlled? Explain.

Points to Remember: Anger’s detrimental effects on personal and professional life. Techniques for anger management. Importance of proactive strategies and seeking professional help. Introduction: Anger, a potent emotion characterized by feelings of hostility, antagonism, and aggression, significantly impacts both personal and professional well-being. While a certain degree of anger can be adaptive, motivating action in … Read more Anger is a harmful negative emotion, it is injurious to both the personal life and the work life. How can it be controlled? Explain.

“It is said that government servants take bribe because people offer bribe to them. If people stop offering bribe, the problem of bribe will be solved.” What is your opinion about the statement? Examine critically.

Points to Remember: The statement presents a simplistic view of bribery. Bribery is a systemic issue, not solely dependent on individual actions. Addressing bribery requires a multi-pronged approach. Introduction: The statement “government servants take bribes because people offer bribes to them; if people stop offering bribes, the problem of bribery will be solved” is a … Read more “It is said that government servants take bribe because people offer bribe to them. If people stop offering bribe, the problem of bribe will be solved.” What is your opinion about the statement? Examine critically.

Present in brief the necessary foundational values for the civil servants.

Points to Remember: Honesty, Integrity, Impartiality, Objectivity, Public Service Motivation, Accountability, and Commitment to the Constitution. Introduction: Civil servants are the backbone of any effective government, responsible for implementing policies and delivering public services. Their actions directly impact the lives of citizens, making their ethical conduct and adherence to foundational values paramount. The absence of … Read more Present in brief the necessary foundational values for the civil servants.

What is Gita’s ‘Anasakta Yoga’ ? What message does it provide to civil servants? Explain.

Keywords: Gita, Anasakta Yoga, civil servants, message. Required Approach: Factual and Analytical (with interpretation of philosophical concepts for application to civil service). Points to Remember: Definition and core tenets of Anasakta Yoga. Relevance of Anasakta Yoga to the ethical and professional conduct of civil servants. Practical application of Anasakta Yoga in handling challenges and maintaining … Read more What is Gita’s ‘Anasakta Yoga’ ? What message does it provide to civil servants? Explain.

What is Kant’s doctrine of ‘duty for duty’s sake’ ? What is the role of this principle in civil services? Discuss.

Points to Remember: Kant’s categorical imperative. Duty as the sole motivator for moral action. Implications for impartiality and public service. Potential challenges and limitations in application. Introduction: Immanuel Kant’s deontological ethical theory centers on the concept of “duty for duty’s sake,” also known as the categorical imperative. Unlike consequentialist ethics, which judge actions based on … Read more What is Kant’s doctrine of ‘duty for duty’s sake’ ? What is the role of this principle in civil services? Discuss.

Dev Anand is working as under secretary in the Pension Department. One day, his friend Guru Dutta, an S.B.I. P.O. narrates the following incident: 1) For last two years, a retired government employee Mr. Ashok Kumar is giving 30% of his monthly pension to Mrs. Bindu Chopra every month through a cheque. 2) 1 found that Mrs. Chopra happens to be the wife of Mr. Prem Chopra, a Section Officer in the pension office under you. 3) I feel something is fishy-may be this is part of a bribe scam, where a senior citizen is forced to pay money to clear his pension files from Prem Chopra and to submit bribes in his wife’s account. Dev Anand visits Mr. Ashok Kumar’s home and finds that he is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease unable to give coherent answers. Frustrated Dev Anand directly questions Prem Chopra. But Prem Chopra says, “Mr Ashok Kumar was a friend of my father. He has no relatives and children and my wife Bindu has been taking care of him like a daughter since a long time. Therefore Mr. Ashok Kumar gives us money out of goodwill and so we can send our son to an expensive l.l.T. coaching at Kota, Rajasthan. Besides, this is a personal family matter and none of your damn business”. Do you think that Deva Anand has made a blunder or is he merely performing an ethical duty? Answer logically.

Points to Remember: Ethical duty of a government official. Conflict of interest. Due process and investigation. Protecting vulnerable individuals. Presumption of innocence. Introduction: This case presents a classic ethical dilemma faced by a government official. Dev Anand, an Under Secretary in the Pension Department, is presented with information suggesting a potential bribe scam involving a … Read more Dev Anand is working as under secretary in the Pension Department. One day, his friend Guru Dutta, an S.B.I. P.O. narrates the following incident: 1) For last two years, a retired government employee Mr. Ashok Kumar is giving 30% of his monthly pension to Mrs. Bindu Chopra every month through a cheque. 2) 1 found that Mrs. Chopra happens to be the wife of Mr. Prem Chopra, a Section Officer in the pension office under you. 3) I feel something is fishy-may be this is part of a bribe scam, where a senior citizen is forced to pay money to clear his pension files from Prem Chopra and to submit bribes in his wife’s account. Dev Anand visits Mr. Ashok Kumar’s home and finds that he is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease unable to give coherent answers. Frustrated Dev Anand directly questions Prem Chopra. But Prem Chopra says, “Mr Ashok Kumar was a friend of my father. He has no relatives and children and my wife Bindu has been taking care of him like a daughter since a long time. Therefore Mr. Ashok Kumar gives us money out of goodwill and so we can send our son to an expensive l.l.T. coaching at Kota, Rajasthan. Besides, this is a personal family matter and none of your damn business”. Do you think that Deva Anand has made a blunder or is he merely performing an ethical duty? Answer logically.

Explain the importance of persuasive communication in attitudinal change.

Points to Remember: Persuasive communication’s role in shaping beliefs and behaviors. Different persuasive techniques and their effectiveness. Ethical considerations in persuasive communication. Barriers to persuasive communication and how to overcome them. The importance of audience analysis in crafting persuasive messages. Introduction: Attitudinal change, the modification of an individual’s or group’s feelings, beliefs, and predispositions towards … Read more Explain the importance of persuasive communication in attitudinal change.

What is the probity ? Explain clearly the philosophical basis of probity in governance.

Points to Remember: Probity’s core meaning: Integrity, honesty, and strong moral principles. Philosophical underpinnings: Virtue ethics, deontology, consequentialism. Application in governance: Transparency, accountability, fairness, and rule of law. Challenges to probity: Corruption, conflicts of interest, lack of transparency. Strengthening probity: Ethical codes, independent oversight, public participation. Introduction: Probity, in the context of governance, refers to … Read more What is the probity ? Explain clearly the philosophical basis of probity in governance.