‘Today objectivity and dedicaiton is the need of the need of the hour in civil services’.–Justify the statement.

Points to Remember: The importance of objectivity and dedication in civil services. The impact of bias and lack of dedication on governance. Strategies to foster objectivity and dedication among civil servants. The role of ethics, training, and accountability mechanisms. Introduction: The statement “Today objectivity and dedication is the need of the hour in civil services” … Read more ‘Today objectivity and dedicaiton is the need of the need of the hour in civil services’.–Justify the statement.

Rajeev was a migrant labour. One day when he was going on the road by his bicyle, a car pushed his bicycle. Rajeev dragged the driver out of car and began abusing him. The driver took out a knife and after stabbing him three-four times he fled away from the spot. Onlookers delayed rush Rajeev to hospital and due to excessive bleeding, he died. If you were in places of Rajev, what would you have done for driver’ s irresponsible driving? Often people show indifferent or passive attitude towards such road accidents and accident victims. Discuss its causes and suggest the remedies.

Points to Remember: Legal recourse for road accidents. Importance of bystander intervention. Causes of indifference towards road accidents. Remedies to promote responsible behavior and assistance. Introduction: This question explores the legal and ethical implications of a road accident, focusing on the victim’s response and the broader societal issue of indifference towards such incidents. Rajeev’s tragic … Read more Rajeev was a migrant labour. One day when he was going on the road by his bicyle, a car pushed his bicycle. Rajeev dragged the driver out of car and began abusing him. The driver took out a knife and after stabbing him three-four times he fled away from the spot. Onlookers delayed rush Rajeev to hospital and due to excessive bleeding, he died. If you were in places of Rajev, what would you have done for driver’ s irresponsible driving? Often people show indifferent or passive attitude towards such road accidents and accident victims. Discuss its causes and suggest the remedies.

What do you understand by moral and political attitude of human? How will you justify these in the present political scenario?

Points to Remember: Moral attitudes: Individual beliefs about right and wrong, good and bad, influencing behavior. Political attitudes: Beliefs about power, governance, and the ideal political system, shaping political participation. Interplay: Moral and political attitudes are interconnected; moral beliefs often inform political stances. Present political scenario: Characterized by polarization, misinformation, and evolving social norms. Justification: … Read more What do you understand by moral and political attitude of human? How will you justify these in the present political scenario?

Discuss the root causes of gender related negative attitude. Why is it so rigid?

Points to Remember: Societal norms and traditions Gender stereotypes and roles Religious and cultural beliefs Media influence and representation Lack of education and awareness Economic disparities and power imbalances Political and legal systems Introduction: Gender-related negative attitudes, encompassing prejudice, discrimination, and violence against individuals based on their gender, are deeply ingrained in many societies worldwide. … Read more Discuss the root causes of gender related negative attitude. Why is it so rigid?

Discuss the factors which influence the formation of individual’s attitude towards social problems with the help of suitable examples.

Points to Remember: Individual attitudes towards social problems are shaped by a complex interplay of factors. These factors can be broadly categorized as personal, social, and cultural. Understanding these influences is crucial for effective social intervention. Introduction: Attitudes, defined as learned predispositions to respond consistently favorably or unfavorably to any given object, person, or event, … Read more Discuss the factors which influence the formation of individual’s attitude towards social problems with the help of suitable examples.

Is change in work–culture necessary for providing quality service delivery in present administrative structure? Answer with arguments.

Points to Remember: The impact of work culture on service delivery. The current administrative structure’s limitations. Necessary changes in work culture for improved service delivery. Examples of successful and unsuccessful cultural shifts in public administration. Policy recommendations for fostering a positive work culture. Introduction: The quality of public service delivery is paramount to a functioning … Read more Is change in work–culture necessary for providing quality service delivery in present administrative structure? Answer with arguments.

Is judicial control necessary in Public Administration? Explain the various possible forms of judical control over the Public Administration.

Points to Remember: Judicial control ensures accountability and fairness in public administration. Various forms of judicial control exist, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Balancing effective governance with individual rights is crucial. Judicial review, judicial remedies, and administrative tribunals play key roles. Introduction: Public administration, the implementation of government policies and programs, necessitates a robust … Read more Is judicial control necessary in Public Administration? Explain the various possible forms of judical control over the Public Administration.

Ram Murti is a Government servant and lives with his old aged parents in Indore. One day during a field-visit he meets a 11 year old orphan boy. He was in a miserable condition and homeless, with no one to take care of him. Ram Murti brings the boy to home an proposes him that if he takes care of his aged parents, he will give him daily wage according to his needs and will arrange for his educaiton too. Evaluate Ram Murit is conduct from ethical perspective.

Points to Remember: Ram Murti’s actions: Bringing home a homeless orphan and offering care in exchange for help with his parents. Ethical considerations: Duty of care, exploitation, child labor laws, altruism, paternalism. Legal implications: Child labor laws, adoption procedures. Introduction: This question requires an ethical evaluation of Ram Murti’s actions. The scenario presents a conflict … Read more Ram Murti is a Government servant and lives with his old aged parents in Indore. One day during a field-visit he meets a 11 year old orphan boy. He was in a miserable condition and homeless, with no one to take care of him. Ram Murti brings the boy to home an proposes him that if he takes care of his aged parents, he will give him daily wage according to his needs and will arrange for his educaiton too. Evaluate Ram Murit is conduct from ethical perspective.

What are the traditional values in Indian society? How does it differ from modern values? Explain.

Points to Remember: Traditional Indian values emphasize family, community, spirituality, and respect for elders. Modern Indian values incorporate individualism, materialism, and a focus on career advancement. The transition from traditional to modern values is ongoing and complex, leading to both benefits and challenges. Introduction: Indian society, with its rich and diverse history, boasts a tapestry … Read more What are the traditional values in Indian society? How does it differ from modern values? Explain.

What are the ethical perversions of private sector? Describe the three options of ethical life.

Points to Remember: Ethical perversions in the private sector stem from prioritizing profit over ethical considerations. Three options for ethical life are egoism, altruism, and utilitarianism. Balancing profit with ethical conduct requires strong corporate governance, regulation, and individual responsibility. Introduction: The private sector, while driving economic growth and innovation, is not immune to ethical lapses. … Read more What are the ethical perversions of private sector? Describe the three options of ethical life.