Uttar pradesh budget 2020-21

Uttar pradesh budget 2020-21 Uttar Pradesh govt total budget 2020-21 UP govt presents Rs 5,12,860 crore budget for FY 2020-21 in state assembly on 18th February 2020. Budget 2020-21 provisions for women and child welfare There is a Provision of Rs. 1200 crore under ‘Mukhyamantri Kanya Sumangla Yojna’. An amount of Rs. 1432 crore proposed … Read more Uttar pradesh budget 2020-21

Uttar Pradesh Economy Updated Data- Must for UPPSC Prelims and Mains Exam

Uttar pradesh:Economy updates Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) of Uttar Pradesh for 2019-20 at current prices is estimated to be Rs 15,79,807 crore, which is 7% higher than the revised estimate for 2018-19. Total receipts Total receipts (excluding borrowings) for 2019-20 are estimated to be Rs 3,97,416 crore, an … Read more Uttar Pradesh Economy Updated Data- Must for UPPSC Prelims and Mains Exam

Importance of Industry, Infrastructure and physical resources of Uttar Pradesh

Importance of Industry, Infrastructure and physical resources of Uttar Pradesh   Uttar Pradesh is the most populous state in India, with a large pool of skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled labour. Alternately, the population is also looked upon as the largest consumer base in the country with around 200 million people. It is the largest producer … Read more Importance of Industry, Infrastructure and physical resources of Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh Economic Survey and Current updates must for prelims and mains exams

Uttar Pradesh: Economy current affairs   Uttar Pradesh grants Revenue Status to 3 forest villages under FRA, 2006 The Uttar Pradesh Government in the first week of July 2018 granted Status of Revenue Village to three villages inhabited by the Tongia Scheduled Tribe in and around forests in Saharanpur district under the Forest Rights Act, … Read more Uttar Pradesh Economic Survey and Current updates must for prelims and mains exams

Uttar Pradesh:Infrastructure and physical resources

Uttar Pradesh:Infrastructure and physical resources Infrastructure The development of service sector is sine–qua– non for high and sustained growth. It may be classified in terms of physical and social infrastructure. While the physical infrastructure mainly consists of road and transport, irrigation, power, telecommunication etc, social infrastructure comprises education, health and housing and financial infrastructure consists … Read more Uttar Pradesh:Infrastructure and physical resources

Uttar Pradesh: human resources and skill development

Uttar Pradesh: human resources and skill development The State has a reasonably large set up of ITIs/polytechnics and degree colleges imparting education and training in vocational areas but the quantity as well as quality of trainings provided by these institutions is a cause of concern. The total availability of seats in these institutions (approximate annual … Read more Uttar Pradesh: human resources and skill development

Uttar Pradesh: Importance of agriculture and industry

Uttar Pradesh: Importance of agriculture and industry The economy of Uttar Pradesh is based mainly on Agriculture and round 65 % of the total population is dependent on Agriculture. Contribution of agriculture sector is significant in Economic development of the state. According to the survey of 2014-15, approximately 165.98 lac hectare (68.7%) land is used … Read more Uttar Pradesh: Importance of agriculture and industry

Government programmes and welfare schemes in uttar Pradesh

Government Schemes of UP Kushtavstha disabled maintenance grant scheme Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh made an announcement as to start Disability (Due to) Leprosy Nutrition Grant Scheme for the first time in India with its for the nourishment of Leprosy Disabled people. Besides ongoing Handicap Nourishment Grant Scheme, decision of granting funds to the people here suffering due … Read more Government programmes and welfare schemes in uttar Pradesh

Mineral Resources of Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh is the principal holder of country’s andalusite & diaspore resources and possesses 78% andalusite 37% diaspore and 10% pyrophyllite. Important minerals occurring in Uttar Pradesh are: coal in Singrauli coalfields,Sonbhadra district. diaspore & pyrophyllite in Hamirpur, Jhansi, Lalilpur and Mahoba districts. Naini area of Allahabad contains High quality of silica sand, an important … Read more Mineral Resources of Uttar Pradesh

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