DMPQ-The Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR)

The Central Gov­ernment has set up a Board for Industrial and Fi­nancial Reconstruction (BIFR) with effect from 12 January 1987 in pursuance of enactment of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provision) Act, 1985. This is a major step for intervening at an early stage and detecting, preventing, as well as taking ameliorative, remedial and such other meas­ures which to be taken with respect to sick and potentially viable companies.

The role of the Board for Industrial and Fi­nancial Reconstruction (BIFR) needs a relook in the face of a steep rise in the number of industries turning sick. BIFR was constituted to facilitate the revival of industries deemed sick. When an industry turns sick, BIFR acts as an operating agency (generally the lead financial institution having the largest loan exposure among the credi­tors) to devise a revival strategy proposal.

Progress in the right disposal of sick com­pany cases registered with BIFR has been slow on account of the conflicting interests between the companies and the creditors (banks and financial institutions, government bodies/agencies) and cer­tain lacunae in the SIC A Act. The rehabilitation schemes met with 4045% failure, as a result of which many of the cases had to be reopened.

The rate of registration/sickness increased substantially during 199798 due to (a) the recessionary trends prevalent in industry, (b) poor financial market conditions, and (c) the tough stance taken by banks/financial institutions (FIs) towards defaulters/potentially sick companies un­der their nonperforming assets (NPA) accounts for rescheduling of repayments, etc.

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