The Chauhans for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Origins According to the Rajput bards, Chauhan is one of the four Agnikula or ‘fire sprung’ clans who were created by the Gods in the anali kund or ‘fountain of fire’ on Mount Abu to fight against the Asuras or demons. Chauhan is also one of the 36 ruling races of the Rajputs. Agnikula origin … Read more The Chauhans for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

The Chandelas for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Facts related to Uttar Pradesh Yashovarman, also known as Lakshavarman, was a king of theChandela dynasty of India. He ruled in the Jejakabhukti region (Bundelkhand in present-day Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh). The Khajuraho inscription also states that Yashovarman turned the riversGanga and Yamuna into his “pleasure-lakes”, and that the waters of these rivers became muddy when his might elephants bathed in them. … Read more The Chandelas for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

The age of Buddha- Important cites in Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Sarnath About 10 km. from the holy city of Varanasi, Sarnath is the place where more than 2,500 years ago Buddha delivered his first sermon after attaining enlightenment. An imposing conical structure, 34 meters in height, called Dhamek stupa signifies the “seat of the holy Buddha.” There are also the ruins of Dharmarajika Stupa, besides … Read more The age of Buddha- Important cites in Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

The age of Buddha- Introduction with reference to Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

There are numerous sites in Uttar Pradesh that are associated with Lord Buddha and Buddhism. In fact Uttar Pradesh along with modern Bihar form the hub of early Buddhism. It was from these parts that the religion spread to the rest of the world. Kapilvastu – The capital city of Shakya clan whose ruler was … Read more The age of Buddha- Introduction with reference to Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Shung and Kanwa dynasty for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Facts related to Uttar Pradesh The coins found in excavations have indicated that entire Uttar Pradesh was ruled by Shung dynasty in 1 century BC or even thereafter. The stone inscriptions of Ayodhya are related to Shung dynasty.     SUNGA EMPIRE(187 to 78 BCE) Pushyamitra Sunga(187–151 BCE): The dynasty was established by Pushyamitra Sunga, … Read more Shung and Kanwa dynasty for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Pre Medival for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Harsha or Harshvardhana (590-647) ruled Northern India for over forty years. He was the son of Prabhakar Vardhan and younger brother of Rajyavardhan, king of Thaneshwar. At the height of his power his kingdom spanned the Punjab, Bengal, Orissa and the entire Indo Gangetic plain. As a consequence to the coronation of Harshavardhana, dynasty of … Read more Pre Medival for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

magadh with special emphasis on Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Magadh with reference to Uttar Pradesh All the states were perpetually at war with each other. Kaushal annexed Kashi  and Avanti grabbed Vats. Later on Kausha and Vats in turn were subjugated one by one by Magadh, which became most powerful in the entire region. Magadh was ruled in succession by Haryank, Shishunag and Nand … Read more magadh with special emphasis on Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Jainism with reference to Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Jainism Originated in India thousands of years ago and is thought to have heavily influenced the two other main belief systems of the region at that time: Hinduism and Buddhism. The religion centres on the progress of one’s soul towards a divine consciousness through self-reformation, wisdom and self-control and pacifism towards all living creatures. There … Read more Jainism with reference to Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Important Jain sites in Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Shri Ahichchhatra Tirth Geographic location: It is near the Ramnagar village of district Bareilly. Various Jain idols and inscriptions found during the land excavations tell us about the historical importance of this place.This place is known for ages for the event that took place while BhagwanParshwanatha attained ‘KevalGyan’ here through deep ‘Tapashcharan’.In the ancient Parshvanath … Read more Important Jain sites in Uttar Pradesh for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Gurjar Prathihar for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam

Facts related to Uttar Pradesh Theline of Nagabhata ruled first at Ujjain and later at Kannauj during the 8th to 11th centuries. In the complicated and badly documented wars of the early 9th century—involving Pratiharas, Rastrakutas, and Palas—Nagabhata II played an important part. About 816 he invaded theIndo-Gangetic Plain and captured Kannauj from the local king Chakrayudha, who had the … Read more Gurjar Prathihar for Uttar Pradesh upper sub-ordinate exam