Uttar Pradesh :Animal Husbandry

What is Animal Husbandry Animal Husbandry is a branch of agriculture, which comprises of controlled cultivation, management, up keeping and production of domestic animals (like cattles, horses, sheeps etc.) which includes improvement in the qualities considered desirable by humans by means of breeding, genetics, behavior and qualities. Animals are domesticated, bred, maintained and raised for … Read more Uttar Pradesh :Animal Husbandry

Uttar Pradesh :Vegetation

By legal status, Reserved Forest constitutes 65.9%, Protected Forest 14.4% and Unclassed Forest 19.7% . There are three forest types, namely Tropical Moist Deciduous, Tropical Dry Deciduous and Tropical Thorn. Sal is an important forest formation of the State. Forests are distributed largely in the northern and partly in the southern parts of the State. … Read more Uttar Pradesh :Vegetation

Uttar Pradesh :Agriculture

Uttar Pradesh is a largest food grain producing State in India producing about 20% of the country’s total food grain production. In 2016-17 contribution of Uttar Pradesh was about 40 million tonnes in the national food grain production of 271.98 million tones. However, the state is also characterized by extreme dependence on agriculture. About 80% … Read more Uttar Pradesh :Agriculture