DMPQ- . How does nuclear agriculture benefits different aspects of Agriculture?

. Here are just seven examples of how nuclear technology is improving agriculture: Improved soil and water balance Nuclear techniques are now used in many countries to help maintain healthy soil and water systems, which are paramount in ensuring food security for the growing global population. For instance, in Benin, a scheme involving 5 000 … Read more DMPQ- . How does nuclear agriculture benefits different aspects of Agriculture?

2007- UPPCS Upper Subordinate Mains Question Paper-II

GENERAL STUDIES (SECOND PAPER) – 2007 1. Teflon is a polymer containing (a) Chlorine (b) Carbon (c) Sodium (d) Fluorine 2. BOD is used as a standard measure for (a) oxygen level in a forest system (b) oxygen level in animals (c) oxygen level in a water system (d) oxygen level in blend 3. The … Read more 2007- UPPCS Upper Subordinate Mains Question Paper-II

Uttar Pradesh :Animal Husbandry

What is Animal Husbandry Animal Husbandry is a branch of agriculture, which comprises of controlled cultivation, management, up keeping and production of domestic animals (like cattles, horses, sheeps etc.) which includes improvement in the qualities considered desirable by humans by means of breeding, genetics, behavior and qualities. Animals are domesticated, bred, maintained and raised for … Read more Uttar Pradesh :Animal Husbandry